Sunday, May 4, 2008

What not to tell your family


Family is your biggest critic. Less then a week ago I sent a link for my blog to mainly my family members with a message of "check out my new blog and please click on the ads." I sent this message out in hopes of not necessarily them being interested in the blog, bonus if they where but to have the click on the ads to get "clicks" for my ad words in my blog.

Well this started a firestorm faster then Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. I also learned the fasted way to have my father get in touch with me..... All from the post about Cube Doors and my using them at work. I won't even go into details since the post has been edited and repeating it in this post will only repeat what I've tried to undo. I had every family member calling me up going "What are you doing Kyle? Are you crazy?" Ugh.

Bottom line is it has been edited. For those who haven't read it, you don't know what you are missing. For those who did, you are welcome for the anxiety.